Human capital & corporate risk

Services Guide Kröller Boom


The activities of Kröller Boom Assurantiën B.V. (Kröller Boom) are governed by the Financial Supervision Act (WFT). From the legal provisions in the WFT, we would like to inform you in a timely manner about who we are and how we work. In this Service Guide, we list the most important information about our company. If you want to know more about certain topics, you can always contact us about this.

Who we are

Kröller Boom is an advisor on insurance and other financial services. Our job is to work with you to identify the risks you face. Then, through a comprehensive analysis, we go over with you which risks need to be insured. In doing so, we provide advice on which products we believe best fit your needs and circumstances. Both private and business.

In addition to this advice, we also guide the contacts between you and the financial institutions with which you place the insurance/products.

Reachability/contact details

We want to be easily accessible to our relations. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Below is a list of the most important (contact) data of our company:

Kröller Boom Assurantiën B.V.

Hardware Road 14
3821 BM Amersfoort
P.O. Box 2617
3800 GD Amersfoort

T: 033 – 750 5000


Registration WFT registry: 12004704
Chamber of Commerce registration: 32105556
KiFiD registration: 300.002152

Our services

In key words, we describe our services as follows:

  • Inventory your consulting needs.
  • Explaining how we work and how you reward us.
  • Inventory the risks present.
  • Inventory your current insurance package and financial housekeeping.
  • Analyze the risks, your options and available financial products.
  • Advising you on appropriate options along with a detailed explanation.
  • Establishing the agreement (mediating).
  • Verify that the financial products entered into and related documents are issued correctly by the provider.
  • Verifying that the premium is properly charged to you.
  • Informing you of relevant changes to closed financial products.
  • During the term of the financial products, process the changes you communicate.
  • Advising you on and supporting you in the settlement of claims.


For optimal service, a good interplay between Kröller Boom and its customers is of great importance. Therefore, we ask you:

  • Correct and honest information;
  • Information on current insurance policies;
  • Information about changes in your business and/or personal situation;
  • Reviewing documents received by you;
  • Timely payment of premiums and/or fee.

Advisory freedom

It is important for you to know that we have no contractual obligations and/or financial arrangements with any financial services providers that require us to specifically include the products of these providers in our advice. We are completely independent and our services are governed by Dutch law.

Financial services providers

The Netherlands has many providers in the field of financial services. Based on our expert knowledge, performance measurements and developments in the market, we have selected from these. This selection is reviewed periodically and adjusted as needed. With these providers, we look at which product best suits your specific needs. At your request, we are happy to provide an overview of the providers we include in our advice.

Our quality

We are supervised by the Financial Markets Authority (AFM). Our firm is listed in the WFT register, which can be accessed on the AFM website:
. The AFM has licensed our firm to advise and mediate in the following areas, in which we also operate:

  • Income Insurance
  • Pension Insurance
  • Premium pension claims
  • General insurance private
  • Property and casualty insurance business
  • Power
  • Health Insurance

Our firm is a member of the following trade associations, among others:

  • VNAB (Vereniging Nederlandse Assurantie Beurs).
  • RMiA (Registered Insurance Broker).

This means that we are affiliated with one or more organizations that demand a certain standard of quality from its members. This standard applies both to the advice, the method of advising and how we maintain our expertise.


We come into contact with a lot of confidential data. Our employees have taken an oath or pledge in which they declare to handle this data with care and to keep secret what is entrusted to them in the performance of their duties. In addition, employees have pledged to put the interests of you, the client, at the center of their work, and there is a code of conduct to which all our employees are expected to adhere. We value doing business fairly and we will do everything in our power to represent your best interests. We hold professional liability insurance. This insurance provides coverage within the limits of the policy for claims related to any professional misconduct.


The quality of our service is largely based on the quality of our employees. Therefore, there is continuous investment in this. In addition to their years of experience, our employees have acquired a great deal of theoretical knowledge. Thus, employees of our firm hold the relevant diplomas in the field of pensions and insurance. This knowledge, especially in these changing times, is kept up-to-date through both internal and external training.

Our reward

Prior to providing services, we make cooperative agreements with you regarding our compensation. This may include:

  • A fixed fee or hourly rate agreed with you.
  • Commission as part of the premium owed by you to the insurer.
  • A combination of both revenue models mentioned above.

Termination of relationship

You have the right to terminate the cooperation with us in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions. You may request the institutions involved to transfer current insurance policies and/or other financial products to the advisor of your choice. We can also take the initiative to end the relationship with you. This leaves existing contracts intact.


For the work we perform for you and to inform you of relevant developments, it is necessary for us to request personal data from you and process them in our records or consulting and quotation programs. You should think about contact and identification information, information about your work and finances, information about your financial products, and in some cases, information about your health and/or criminal history.

We provide this information to providers from whom we obtain quotes, financial products or financial services for you. In addition, we provide this data to parties involved in the execution of the agreements, such as occupational health and safety services, experts, loss adjusters or appraisers.

Personal data will be kept for as long as we need it, but in any case for as long as required by law or as long as the agreement is in place.

As a data subject, you have the right to see what information we have stored about you in our records. You can request this at If you believe the information we hold is inaccurate or wrongly held, you may request that we amend or delete it. You can also ask us not to distribute this information further (restriction). However, we may request further substantiation of your request in such a case in order to determine whether your request is correct.

If we have received personal data from you because you have given us your explicit consent to do so, for example to carry out marketing activities, you may withdraw that consent at any time.

If we do not comply with your request to inspect, amend, delete or limit your data, you have the right to file a complaint about this with the Personal Data Authority or file an appeal with the civil courts.

We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal data is in trusted hands with us. Our privacy statement applies to the processing of your personal data. The most recent version of this can be found on our website.


We do our utmost to provide you with the best possible service. You might still not be satisfied with our service. We hope you will make that known. You may do so by phone or in writing to the attention of the management. You will receive a response from us within five business days at the latest.

Should we not be able to reach a satisfactory solution together, private clients can take their complaints to the Financial Services Complaints Institute (KiFiD), Postbus 93257, 2509 AG The Hague, telephone number 070-3338999,
. This is an independent complaints board to which we are affiliated. Its decisions are binding on us.

Both business and private clients can apply to the civil courts if they wish. Our services are governed by Dutch law.